Thursday, October 29, 2009

In Raising Up a Special Child

As a mother of a child with special needs, it’s really a great challenge and experience on how to raise him. Finding out that my child has mild autism is one of the most painful things that happened to me. At first I was distraught but when I've got enough courage, I stand firmly to be able to protect and guide my son where he can live the most productive and fulfilled life possible. 

Although there are times that I need to be soothed and encouraged because daily stress for taking care of my child especially when he’s throwing tantrums really makes me feel so awful. And from the very start, I experienced a variety of maternal struggles in raising my child but I have learned how to cope with it all. I have also my adrenalin to be strong enough for him. As I persevered in my responsibilities to raise my special boy, I later realized our blessings where hidden in a challengeGod really loves us.

I know God’s hand is always upon my brilliant big boy… the lovable one who brings us joy and laughter every minute, every hour, everyday... And we thank our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us enough strength, patience and love to raise our child and do our best to mold him with love and fear in God despite of his condition.

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