Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Individuals with Autism Have Exceptional Talents and Brilliance

According to the research, individuals with autism particularly children display a wide range of intellectual abilities. And I have proven that because my child shows strong memory skills. He has Asperger's Syndrome Disorder but he has intelligence in the normal range. 

But let’s talk about other people with Autism who show exceptional talents despite their functional disabilities. Along with the difficulties, autism brings individual strengths with special abilities. Those abilities include strong memory skills, math skills, creative thinking skills, musical ability, artistic ability and some others. Many individuals with Autism show special talents in a specific area of interest such as artistic abilities, musical abilities, excellent calculation, etc. 

But let me inform you that not all individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) just focused in a specific area of interest.  There are few or at least 10 percent (10%) of individuals with Autism have been reported to show savant abilities in music, drawing, etc. 
What is savant, anyway? Well, it is a rare condition in which individuals with developmental disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have one or more areas of expertise, ability or intelligence. They can memorize all the capitals of the world, reading fluently, dismantling and reassembling electronic gadgets or machines or they may be a computer wizard. They may also perform well in examinations that involve visual-spatial abilities. They are good in fixing jigsaw puzzles and understanding abstract ideas and proven that they have an excellent rote memory. These are just some examples of the amazing talents that have been observed in individuals with Autism.

Please don’t underestimate persons with Autism because they might be talented and intelligent than YOU!

Photos by PhotoStocks

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