Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Like most parents of children with special needs, I remember the day that our child was diagnosed with a certain type of disability. It seemed as though everything crumbled. I was overwhelmed by the heartache, grief, questioning why and how, and questioning the future. Though my husband and I both felt weak and weighed down by all the implications of a diagnosis of autism, we knew that if we were to regain our strength to face the days ahead, it would have to come from the Lord. And God came through. Little by little, we felt ourselves gaining more strength not only to face our situation. We found that God was indeed our refuge and our strength and that He truly was an ever-present help in our darkest days of trouble.

God gave us the strength so that we don’t lose heart in facing the challenges that lie before us... He gave us enough strength to overcome all weariness in our life. We are so blessed to have our child in our life and to think that even a single moment, God never leave us.

Photo by: PhotoStocks


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