Friday, July 24, 2009

Special Mom For a Special Child

Being a mother of an exceptional child is no joke. It’s really a big responsibility that God gave to parents especially mothers. I, as a mother of 13 year old exceptional child do extra things for him. I may consider myself (as self-reward) as special in my own way because my child is uniquely special. I’ve been so busy doing what is necessary to help my child and give my best and effort for his precious life.I’m setting my own interests aside to help with his homework, no matter what the hour. When he is feeling low and throwing tantrums, I always comfort him at the time when he felt ready to give up. I see to it that for him, I am not only his mother but his most important teacher also. Most of the time, I feel that have to continually wage a war to go through simple activities of day-to-day living just like teaching my child even on how to brush his teeth properly and fix his things like books and bed. I might say that life becomes a continuous struggle, not only for the child, but also for the parents like me. I gave up my job and career to give my full time support to my child and handle the situation and most of all is to take care of him and defend him from his detractors.

Raising a child with disability is a big challenge… But I have to face bravely my child's limitations and turning them into opportunities for his growth and maturity. Here in the Philippines, many people have misconception about special child. They don’t understand that anyone who is not at the normal level of thinking would be considered as SPED. Not only mentally retarded, autistic, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), learning disability can be called special child but even the gifted child because of his/her high extreme of mental ability and talents which are not at the normal level

Many times I have encountered different people with same reactions especially when they saw my child is smiling without any reason… I heard comments, criticisms and insults about my child. I thank God for giving me the courage to confront people who do not have my child's interests in mind. I even learned how to deal with awkward comparisons and criticisms from family and acquaintances who do not understand or value my child's differences … It really hurts me but I have to accept and face their reactions and all the things they might got to say about my child. Perhaps, they may have lack of understanding and knowledge about exceptional children… Or most probably it is because of being narrow-minded… Or a slander act due to their envious feeling… But I believed that God really loves us because He gave us an extra ordinary responsibility such as like having a special child despite of our financial status (because we are not wealthy). But God is so great… His grace is sufficient for us to be able to eat, live and continuously struggle in this cruel world. I would say that as parents, we are so lucky because in God’s sight, we are truly special because He gave us a special child who is brilliant and has sense of responsibility.

There are many hardships you can pass through in raising and guiding a special child. As a mother and teacher of your beloved one, you need extra courage to be able to face the fact that you are the one who will be responsible to protect your child. And most of all, you need love and patience so everything would be easy for you to deal with different situations especially in caring your special one. According to my child’s developmental pediatrician, his case is only mild but expect that there would be times that some characteristics of an ADHD with Autism will still manifest on him. 

As a parent, I might stick on guiding force for my child's education until she can manage it for himself. I will continue to help him through social experiences with support and understanding. As long as I am here, I will never stop encouraging my child to develop strengths and nurture his talents in things he enjoys. For me, knowing when to support and when to let my child meet his own challenges is very important. Being at peace with who my child is and not who others think he should be is what I always think of…
As long as I and my husband are still alive, we will try to create a warm and supportive home which our child truly deserves.

I’m going to leave you few questions below because I would like to know your reactions, feelings and plans if you are also a special parent like me…

In case you are on my shoe? What you’ll gonna do?
If you have a special child like mine, how can you protect him/her from people who are giving criticisms or comments?... Those who are secretly smiling or even laughing at your child, seems it doesn’t matter if you’ll get hurt or what reactions you might have either? What will you do?